The thought of a festival, occasion approaching can put the most organized of kitchens into a spin. There seems to be an endless list of dishes to prepare amidst all the other chaos of gift wrapping, invitation guest list compilation, ambience set up and family organizing, while THE BIG MEAL itself looms ahead like some gigantic challenge.
With the gigantic challenge and the holiday driving up the anticipated festive hunger, you can forget any worries about running out of a good idea to keep the family, friends well fed and happy.
From the large selection of tempting exotic offerings, there is plenty to suit your family, friends and guests, so start making lists early on. Don’t forget to include some starters - you’ll find something here to suit everyone, from the casual to the connoisseur alike.
Finally when you’ve prepared your to do list, and spoken to us, wrapped your gifts, why not make yourself one of those wonderful cocktails, perhaps a refreshing Champagne then put your feet up and raise your glass in a toast – Viva-La-Fiesta!.