crossbred yorkshire PROCESSED PORK SALAMI

Start up in 2004 as the country’s first organised mix-loads of meat, poultry and seafood palour in south Pune. PEDROS redefined retailing of meat, seafood, delis, and cold meats with a wide range of fresh, ready to eat and marinated varieties.PEDROS a brand, synonymous with meat processing, meatretailing, marketing farm fresh poultry, seafood, delicatessencold meats manufactured as well as imported variants.
Our experience and knowhow of the diverse customer palate and consumption behavior, the ever changing lifestyles and preferences for uncompromising quality and convenience, set us at par with international standards foraying our belief system where we dare to believe in :‘ IDEAS THAT FEED THE WORLD’ We have dared to rejuvenate the art of meat retailing and consumption with customer centric attitude through identified branding of our range of categories and product lines.